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Gathering of Friends 2003 Updates

June 28, 2003

The first tentative deadline is upon us. We have had a few people respond letting us know they will possibly attending. We want to hear from YOU.

We would like to clarify something. We know that some people aren't physically able to walk and that is okay. We will be at Greer Stadium which is the stadium for the Nashville Sounds. We have the stadium seats to sit in if we don't feel like walking. So if that has been one of the things holding you back, then go ahead and plan to come!

We do give out contact phone numbers so that should an emergency arise you can be reached. You do not have to worry about transportation it will be provided. We live about 10 minutes from the airport so if you have to leave on the Sunday we can get you there without any trouble. Everything we do, we try to keep cost in mind as we know just the trip itself is expensive. We want everyone to enjoy themselves!

We would like to meet more new people and see dear friends. If you are nervous about meeting "Internet" people, then put your mind to rest. Please take a moment to read what was written after GOF '01. You will see that our "Internet" people are some of the most loving, caring and sharing people you can meet.

Just send an email to GOF Info@aol.comand let us know you are interested. Tell us how many people will be coming and how many hotel rooms you will need. This is not a definite Yes on your part. This is just to give us a general idea of how many people MAY come. We need this first little bit of information by July 15th.

Those who receive The Ribbon via USPS you can jot a note with your particulars and send it to The Ribbon, 1104A Murfreesboro Pike, PMB 114, Nashville, TN 37217-1918

Hoping to see many of you in October!

June 15, 2003

Just a brief note to remind you that if you are interested in coming to GOF '03 you have until July 15th to send us a note. This is not a commitment on your part. This is just to give us an idea on how many we may expect so we can get discount pricing on hotel. In your note please let us know how many will be coming in your party and how many rooms you will need. We want to get the best prices possible.

Send your information to GOF We really look forward to hearing from you!

June 1, 2003

Okay, here we go!! We are ready to rev up and get this show on the road. If you even THINK that you might want to come to Nashville, TN to meet, make new friends, actually SEE old friends, and participate in the Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk on the team of Jane's Angels now is the time to let us know. Send an email by July 15 to GOF and let us know that you are interested in attending. Those of you who receive The Ribbon by USPS can send a letter to the address at the top of each issue. This is just to get a preliminary head count so we can start contacting the hotels to see where we get our best price.

You may want to start searching the airline websites to get the best price on tickets. What most people do is come in on Friday Oct. 10 and leave on Monday Oct. 13. The Memory Walk will be held on Saturday Oct 11.

We will be sending you more deadline dates as time scoots on. Remember, time flies by and it will be here before you know it!!

May 17, 2003

Have you been thinking about it?? Do you think you might want to attend? Are you talking about it? Are you curious about who or what GOFie is?

We will be attending the Alzheimer's Association: Mid South Chapter Memory Walk as the team of Jane's Angels. We will do a bit of sight seeing. We will be doing a small Memorial. We will eat. We will talk. We will laugh and cry. We will create many new friendships.

Can you think of a better Respite Weekend? You'll meet The Ribbon Staff. You'll meet some of the people who contribute to The Ribbon. You will meet people you've talked to at The Gathering Place.

Continue thinking and talking....we will be setting a deadline soon for you to let us know if you may be able to attend. We would really like to have even more people than we've had for the last two GOF's!!

May 4, 2003

It's Time! The official date will be the weekend of October 10, 11, 12. That again will be Columbus Day weekend. Most people will arrive on Friday Oct 10 and will leave on Monday Oct 13. Start discussing this now with family and friends. Give your replacement caregiver plenty of notice and start making your plans. Soon we will be asking you to send an email letting us know if you are interested so we will have an idea of how many will be attending in order to get hotel rates.

We will again be attending the Middle Tennessee Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk. Start thinking of who you want to ask to sponsor you. Two years ago our group, Jane's Angels raised $3000. This was from those of us who walked and had sponsors and from many of our readers who couldn't attend but sent in contributions. This year we would really like to beat that amount! Paula Hathaway with the Association says that they hope to have a link on their website where people can donate to the Jane's Angels team as well as any other team that is walking.

Do you want to see pictures of the previous GOF's? Click here for our GoF 2001 photo album! There's even a countdown clock! Just click on the links on the left side of the page for GOF 2001 or GOF 1999.

We have a special treat this year. We have an official mascot. She's GOFie and she will be attending some of our events.

Words cannot describe the emotions and the love you will feel when you meet someone whose words you have read in The Ribbon or whom you have talked to at The Gathering Place. Maybe you have been talking to someone through email or Instant Message, what a chance to meet them in person. True friendship bonds are formed at The Gathering of Friends!

Start thinking and planning! It will be here sooner than you think!

February 2, 2003

Hi Everyone!

Now that we all have had time to work through the holidays and all of our Alzheimer's memory walks have taken place, it is time to begin seriously planning out Gathering of Friends '03!

In October 2001, approximately 20 folks gathered in Nashville, TN for a great respite weekend and to participate in the Alzheimer's Association Middle Tennessee Chapter's Alzheimer's Memory Walk. Gathering of Friends 2001 or This is the link for you to view what fun was had for the weekend of October 5-8 2001.

Now we need your help. We need to hear from you! YES YOU! We have one offer of having GOF '03 in Cincinnati, Ohio who's walk is scheduled for Sunday, October 5, 2003. We need to hear from you! Is this a place you would like to go? And if not, would you be willing to host this year's gathering? Things to keep in mind: We would like to keep the end of September or beginning of October for the gathering time. The location needs to be centrally located. Another thing to keep in mind is the location of hotels/airport/walk site. Whom ever offers to do this will not be in the job by themselves. In 2001, there were 4 different folks taking care of tasks so things did not fall just on one person.

We really need to get into the planning for this year. We would like to be able to give folks an idea so they may plan for respite, airline tickets and so on. So please, put you thinking caps on and get on the phone and call your local Alzheimer's Association to find out their date! Once you have decided to help and have the date, send an email to me Linda@theribbon.comand I will compile a list of dates and locations. We would like to have this response by March 1, 2002. We will compile a list of locations and dates and publish for you to provide input as to where you would like to attend this year's Gathering of Friends at!

Hope to hear from you soon!

Love Always,
The Gathering Place

Online Alzheimer's Caregiver Support
Contributor to Finding the Joys in Alzheimer's (page 76)

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