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The Ribbon - Care for Caregivers
Do You Still Remember Me?
by Pam Gilbert Montambo

Do you still remember me?
Can you see my face?
Do you hear my voice right now?
Or is it all misplaced?

Do you still remember me?
The child of long ago,
Peering from my crib at night,
To eyes that said hello.

I can still remember when,
You taught me how to skate,
Or showed me how to fish,
Even putting on my bait.

The day you came home tired,
You had worked so hard that day,
Only to start working more,
On corn or wheat or hay.

Do you still remember when,
I fell and scraped my knee,
You picked me up and said, "All right",
"Here's a kiss from me.";

How about that awful storm,
When you were brave and true.
I knew my Dad would save the day,
And make that day look new.

I know you don't remember me,
Your eyes, they stare right through.
Or you're talking to that person there,
But only you know who.

I wish for days when I could see,
The love within your eyes.
When you saw your daughter by your side,
Not a stranger passing by.

When will they find a cure for this?
Or will I sit some day,
And stare right through my daughter's eyes,
As she would softly say,

Do you still remember me?
I'd hoped you could this time.
I will carry all the mem'ries now,
The hope, the love, the mind.

copyright 1999 Pam Gilbert Montambo

December 17, 1999

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